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Showing posts from December, 2012


Today was such a great day of epiphanies. The total realization that we are only here temporarily seems to elude me from time to time. So wrapped up in the carnal world where I am only visitor; stranger; foreigner to this land. So many people tell me I'm selfless yet I seem to be self-led more often then not. What am I feeling today, how do I feel about this, that, you, me, her, him, things, life, strife, struggle, etc. Pause. It's so overwhelming. It's all so overwhelming. Do you ever dwell on problems that you can't solve? Like world hunger? Yeah. I'm that girl. Worry. Anxiety. About the future. About the past. Never about the present. Always trying to get to happy. When happy can be found now. Today, I was reminded that I'm going to Heaven. It was the greatest feeling ever. To be reminded that I am always longing for Heaven because that is my home. Heaven is a physical place. Transformed bodies. No sadness. No sickness. No death. Rejo...