I believe writing for me is cathartic. It helps when I share my life experience with others because I am reminded that 1) I'm not the only one going through this, 2) It encourages others, and 3) I get encouragement and support from others. No matter what we like to think - we cannot do life alone. So... Welcome to September 1st, 2012. We will never see this day again but thank God He has seen fit for us to live it. As I sit here and sip on my Celestial Seasoning Peppermint Tea, I'm thinking of the past few months that have brought me to the place that I am at now - still, at peace and with my joy firmly in tact. God has really been speaking to me as of late. He will use a number of ways to speak to you (especially if you are ignoring his direct counsel). He will speak to you through people, places and things. In my case, it was through the person I was seeing. He had, so eloquently, pointed out during a discussion that I was flip floppy in my faith and sometimes-y with...
Learning from yesterday, living for today, hoping for tomorrow.